Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Steps to setting up your customized Invoice Template

We've MOVED!!!!

This came as shock to me. I had issues finding different templates for setting up my custom invoice.
I broke my #1 rule of how to become NetSuite Guru. Did you click on the link? Well, #1 rule is to read the documentation and I did NOT on this particular case. =(

After doing some manly hunting work, I've figured out the mapping on custom invoice template. For us, we needed to include remittance slip on every invoice. Guess what, this is actually one of the feature you have to enable. (Again. READ YOUR DOCUMENTATION!!!)

If you are in the market to do such thing, here is how you enable remittance form with invoices:
Setup > Company > Printing, Fax & Email Preferences
- Check the box next to "Print Remittance Form with Invoices & Statements"

Here is how you set up your customized invoice. You kinda have to go backwards on this and here is why. When setting up your actual invoice, you supply templates for PDF layout, HTML layout and Remittance Slip.  Unless you plan to use Standard versions, you want to create custom versions of them.

Step 1-HTML Layout Template:
Go to Setup > Customization > Transaction Form HTML Layouts
- Select from different types of "Transaction" forms at your disposal to Customize.
- Provide custom HTML layout for your invoice under Templates Tab.
- You can customize HTML for specific NetSuite Tags under Elements tab.
- Save as "My Invoice HTML Layout" (This is a free country. You can name it what ever you want)

Step 2-PDF Layout Template:
Go to Setup > Customization > Transaction Form PDF Layouts
- Select from different types of "Transaction" forms at your disposal to Customize.
- Move things around, adjust the font size, text box etc.
** I found PDF layout customization somewhat difficult to work with. Just my $0.02
- Save as "My Invoice PDF Layout" (Again, name it what ever you want)

Setting up Remittance Form:
If you don't need to do this, you can skip this section but if you need to "customize" Remittance section, you may want to read on.

I don't know about you but for us, we needed to add text not available through NLATTRIBUTES. It had to be customized to look like our legacy invoice format. HTML version of Remittance form wasn't a problem because NetSuite provided highly flexible "TEXTAREA" to write our own HTML. However, PDF version... well, that was different story. Extremely customization UNFRIENDLY!!!!!

Step 3-HTML Remittance Form Template:
Go to Setup > Customization > Transaction Form HTML Layouts
- Select from different types of "Remittance Slip" forms at your disposal to Customize.
- Provide your custom HTML for remittance area of your invoice.
- Save as "My Invoice HTML Remittance Layout" (... Last time... Name it what ever you want)

Step 4-PDF Remittance Form Template:
Go to Setup > Customization > Transaction Form PDF Layouts
- Select your poison from "Remittance Slip" forms to Customize.
- Move things around, set up the way you want it to look in PDF.
** DO KEEP IN MIND, I found it Extremely difficult to customize this since only limited fields are at your disposal to display.
- Save as "My Invoice PDF Remittance Layout"

Step 5-Remittance Template Wrapper:
Go to Setup > Customization > Transaction Forms
- Select from different types of "Remittance Slip" forms to Customize.
- For PDF Layout, select "My Invoice PDF Remittance Layout" or what ever you named it on Step 4.
- For HTML Layout, select "My Invoice HTML Remittance Layout" or what ever you named it on Step 3.
** Quick Note: **
If you write ANYTHING on Disclaimer textbox, you can get to it by using the tag <DISCLAIMER>. However,... as I noted above, PDF is VERY VERY limited when it comes to providing free text. I actually used Disclaimer box to enter in my free text. I'm sure it's not recommended but this was the only way I found to enter in Free-Text.  IF you are doing what I did, be sure to do following:

  • Never use <DISCLAIMER> tag on your HTML template. Since HTML template is more flexible when it comes to free text, you can write it out.
  • Move things around on your PDF layout so that disclaimer box appears in different way.
  • IMPORTANT: Disclaimer and Address textarea are NOT HTML enabled. If you type HTML, it'll get parsed as regular text 

- Finally save this as "My Remittance Template Wrapper"

OK! You are now ready to create your own Invoice Template!

Step 6-Create Custom Invoice Template:
Go to Setup > Customization > Transaction Forms
- Select from different types of "Invoice" froms to Customize.
- For PDF Layout, select "My Invoice PDF Layout" or what ever you named it from Step 2.
- For HTML Layout, select "My Invoice HTML Layout" or what ever you named it from Step 1.
- For Remittance Slip, select "My Remittance Template Wrapper" or what ever you named it from Step 5.
- Save as "My Custom Invoice Template"

Now you see what I mean by going backwards?

Once you've set this up, you can choose your custom invoice from Sales Order templates to be used.

Here are some things that I found Important:

  • You need to set up EVERYTHING before you can TRUELY customize the look and feel. From the most parent level, you can provide different fields to be shown which can in turn be accessed by child forms.
  • From Customer Center, one you choose as default will be used for PDF layout. (If anyone from NetSuite can correct me on this, PLEASE DO!)
  • You CAN override Print in PDF by going to Home > Set Preferences > Transactions Tab and Setting "Print Using HTML" check box. However, THIS seems to be user based rather than Global setting.
Hope this helps... 


  1. The PDF/HTML layout used in the Customer Center is based on whichever layout is associated to the transaction form that was saved with the transaction.

  2. Thx Kevin for your comment. I do remember talking to you while back =)

  3. Yep. Glad to see you're documenting all these NetSuite how-to's.
